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  1. Fingerprint login

    Now days every device has a fingerprint scanner i think its necessary to have a fingerprint option too, and with new api google gonna put in android M for this matter, i think you guys should go for this feature before everyone else.

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  2. See which app created directory

    Many apps create files on the internal storage. Often finding out which app is making these files is not obvious. For example, if a folder called cache appears, it would be great if under its properties I can see what app created that folder.

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    This feature will be available in the next update. However, SE will display app icons only with known folders. It means that the list needs to be updated from time to time. If you notice a folder with no app icon, let me know about that.

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  4. App browser with app version

    Show app version in app browser and ability to copy name with app version.

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  5. Update SMB protocol

    Is there any chance of updating the SMB implementation? My server logs indicate Solid Explorer is requesting NT LM 0.12, which was introduced in Windows XP. I'm lowering my security settings to allow a connection for now, but it would be lovely not to have to do that. :<

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    The latest beta of Solid Explorer has support for SMB v2, which is going to replace the old SMB v1 client. For test purposes, the client is available as a separate item in the connection wizard. After the final release, it’s going to be integrated back into one SMB client.

    In order to join the beta, please visit this link:

    Please note, that despite many tests, the new SMB client may still be unstable. Please use with caution. Any feedback will be very appreciated.

  6. Provide support to play media files in series when selected

    When multiple media(Audio as well as video) files are selected they could be played serially using built in players or through other applications.
    And also add next or previous buttons to play next or previous media.

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  7. 71 votes

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  8. Option to turn off image previews in the 'Folder Properties' view

    Please provide an option to turn off image previews in the Properties window.

    I opened Properties for my top-level storage folder, and it started displaying images I wouldn't want other people to accidentally see! (I won't go into more detail...)

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  9. Attribute editing for mutliple files

    So currently you can hit properties on 1 file and update the permissions/attributes, but it would be nice if you can do it for multiple files. It only makes sense to allow bulk editing. I have to use the CM file manager to accomplish this currently.

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  10. Tap hold to input a Variable -[Batch Rename improvement]

    I strongly propose a simple method of inputting the variables simply by tap and hold which would auto inject them into wherever the cursor is on the line.

    My reasons are:

    1.) Android system keyboard's often feature characters such as percent % and more in an keyboard extended menu, just like numeric text is in an extended keyboard menu. This makes the job of adding the Batch Rename variables extra longer and tedious

    2.) There are Batch Rename variables with the same letter but with different case size (upper case and lower case). This can be confusing to a first…

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  11. Single column detailed list view on tablets

    One of the recent betas started to show folder contents in detailed list mode as two columns on my tablet. Such representation is inconvenient for me. Could you, please, add an option to force the list to be displayed as a single column?

    I know that this can be a huge waste of space on a big screen, but i prefer it that way. My brain is not good at performing such a two-dimensional scan :) .

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  12. Open files without extension as txt

    Such as the behaviour of the old SolidExplorer. It would help very much with editing system files which have no extension.

    Currently if I open a file with no extension, it prompts me once for what type of file to open it as, and another time for the app to use. The first prompt could have an "always" option, so it doesn't ask again after I tell it "open as text always".

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  13. Can interaction with folders/any file from properties section b added?

    It's quite annoying with you are viewing a folder's properties and hind that u need to edit, share it do anything with that files right away at that screen; at that moment
    Hence I request this feature
    Now it's up to the dev as its his app let the best suggestion b implemented!

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  14. Copy link to long press menu

    Copy link to clipboard for folder/files in cloud storage

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  15. A feature to copy directory's path

    Can you add a feature which copies a directory's path to clipboard? I dreamed it before 2.0.
    It is simple - to copy a path you just need to tap on path.

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  16. Multiselection

    When using Solid Explorer as filepicker, for example attaching files in email, selecting files for upload etc etc, would be excellent to be able to have MULTISELECTION.
    Almost all new/updated filemanagers has this option today (ex. Amaze Filemanager, AnExplorer, MiXplorer,KK Explorer) and makes it sad that when using Solid Explorer you have to install one other filemanager to have this option.

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  17. Used and free space like in Windows

    Can you please improve displaying storage usage? It would be great to make it like in Windows: progressbar with % shows used space, but underneath it free space is showing.
    You can see in on screenshot (yellow color on right part is only just a highlighting).

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  18. version of apk during manuall installation

    can we get version info during install apk manually ... i found this nice idea in one app till now ... i mean as example i installed your solid apk surly version as example v1 and after some dayes you give us new update v2 then during install the new update v2 we need to know version of previous one if possible ...hope you understood what i mean ...the only app i found this nice idea is es file explorer

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  19. Toolbar flexible (both Bottom or Top)

    I have come up with a new idea for the editing tools of the SE 2.0 toolbar and how it can be expanded and newly displayed.

    Personally I prefer accessing my tools Copy/Cut/Delete etc from the Top of the screen which is how SE 2.0alpha currently does it, for me it's clearer to use and easier for single-handed operation when holding my phone with one hand.

    I certainly do think that 'Rename' and 'Share' should be on the accessible tools for quicker instant use instead of having to open an overflow menu for those.

    So in total the new proposed…

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  20. Unmount a USB device (safely remove)

    Ability to Unmount a USB device.

    This is already suppoted in the Android system settings under "storage"

    I am unsure if this feature may require a Root support.

    However it would be fantastic to be able safely remove a USB device just by long-pressing in the desired usb within the left-swipe menu

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