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  1. Buttons labels after FAB pressed should be the same width

    I am perfectionist and in my opinion labels should be centered, justified and every on the same width background. Pic related.

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  2. Auto uppercase first letter of New Cloud connection name

    Me - perfectionist strikes back again! ;) In my opinion the first letter in new connection name should be auto uppercase.

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  3. 18 votes

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  4. Unnecessary last screen-step during creating new cloud connection

    After successfully established connection with Dropbox app should connect to it automatically. In my opinion the last step is unnecessary. Maybe simple green rectangle animation like in Google Drive connection will be ok.

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  5. Exclusive permisions - protect a directory and it's files from being deleted

    As previously mentioned in another thread:

    It would be great if in the future users could collate a list of folders/files that have to require exclusive permission before being deleted...This would only be to prevent accidental deletion from within Solid Explorer.

    This feature would be for Solid Explorer internally only.

    I am not talking about Encryption I am talking about a padlock in the form of a long passcode or removing the lock from within the settings.

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  6. Fluid faster scrolling support in the file manager

    Scrolling could be made to have that same liquid fluidity that many iPhone apps feature in where a user gently scrolls and it fluidly scrolls faster than average with greatly reduced friction.

    On HTC devices with Sense 6, the HTC 'Messenger' app has this. Also the Android app exDialer also features this to an extent.

    It's something to do with tweaking the listview and friction within the code of an Android app.

    It would so very much suit Solid Explorer to have this,not just merely animation wise but more importantly for when scrolling down a really long list of content…

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  7. Undo and Redo function

    There should be an ability to Undo and Redo up to at least the last 10 operations.

    Obviously a 'Delete' cannot be undone because this is Android OS, unless a recycle bin mechanism was written.

    The Undo and Redo would be important for:

    -Renaming -undo/redo
    -Moving files -undo/redo
    -NOMEDIA -undo/redo
    -creation of Archives -undo/redo
    -future FTP and Cloud related things -undo/redo

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    The only sensible use cases are file delete and move. File delete can’t be undone until I implement recycle bin. File move can be undone easily, but only if a single file or folder was moved in the same partition. Other cases are too complex and require another file operation to perform.
    I’ll implement this feature when the recycle bin will be ready. Both file delete and move.

  8. Apk manager

    Apk batch rename see how the latest update of the apk back up all the good stuff you will get with a apk manager

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  9. Multi-select wouldbe great for within the Bookmark manager

    The ability to Batch select multiple Bookmark entries for deletion and for batch rearranging would be an awesome treat :)

    This would require the addition of Three icons to the top toolbar of the Bookmarks manager. These three icons being:

    1. Delete icon (trash can)
    2. Select all
    3. Select inverse
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  10. Sd card and usb otg storage eject option like in FX EXPLORER with a widgets toggle option

    Try FX would be my second choice of Explorer if it wasn't for solid but there is a option I really like to see and that the option to eject the sd card from the Explorer it would also help if there was a widgets toggle (show size & on or off status) for the sd card and

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  11. File and folder items that are 'Cut' should get briefly grayed out (Windows style)

    A grayed out effect for selected files/folders that have been 'Cut' would be a good addition to Solid Explorer 2.0

    Don't worry about any damage to Material Design because no fear, the Material Designed latest Gmail app (v5.01) features the exact same grayed-out effect that is shown for when multi selecting emails...

    ...So this would fit right well with SE 2.0 for when a 'Cut' has been done

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  12. Backup, Restore and Wipe data


    Please rebirth the Backup and Restore feature into the new SE 2.0 :)

    Alongside this, within the settings, please also introduce the planned 'Wipe app data' too which would reset SE 2.0 back to a fully default state:

    SE 1.6x already has a Backup and Restore function that saves all app data to a specific file (with a filename timestamp).

    However I still observe that the 'Restore' process within SE 1.6x is a bit flawed as it should allow for restoring backpus via simple normal file browsing instead of opening a separate 'Restore' file manager window that was…

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  13. Random Theme Color

    Selecting random theme would change color and accent color every time you open the app

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  14. Please, add the disk cloud storage.

    This is wery usefull cloud storage.

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  15. Option to Disable Animations

    Can we get an option to disable things like the fade-in icon animations when loading lists and opening folders? I know that L and material are all about animations, it seems, but the option to turn some of them off would be nice. All the eyecandy can get a bit distracting.

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  16. Why do we have to go through so many pages to setup a connection

    I tried to connect to my local ftp server, and I had to go through many pages in order to create the connection : one for connection type, the next for server info..etc. I think all of these information should be in a single page, it will be easier and quicker to set up.

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  17. 10 votes

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  18. design suggestion/feedback

    Let me begin by saying that I've been using Solid explorer since the original beta. I'm also a huge fan of material design. A few months ago when the first file manager came out with material design, I installed it right away. It looked good, great even, but half a minute in, while trying to do some basic copy paste type operation, it hit me just how poorly it functioned as a file manager. It was clunky and unintuitive. Back to the comforting embrace of Solid I went. In the coming weeks, a couple more material style file managers were…

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  19. Add file preview for DNG files

    Is it possible to add in the future file preview for DNG (raw files)??
    There are some camera apps that uses Android 5.0 camera2 API and allow to save image in RAW for future edition like | and the stock camera of the ONEPLUS One.
    That would be an awesome feature.

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  20. cloud setup complete button

    After setting up Google Drive cloud, the green button is already there until you tap it. The button is sometimes on the left and the right side.

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