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  1. sshkeys file selector

    I have a sshkey with an extension .txt. sshkeys file selector does not let me select this ssh key file.

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  2. Splash screen

    Please rebirth the lovely pleasant Splash screen into SE 2.0

    It featured a centered app icon accompanied with the text "Solid Explorer" and text "Loading..."

    Also be observant of Android devices with higher resolution screens such as Full HD (1920x1080), QHD (2460x1440) and even future 4K screens too ()

    See attached screenshot of proposed Splash screen

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  3. Guidline Left menu

    Left menu, like in standart android app - "documents"

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  4. Creating New File or Folder - Pre assigned or last used names

    I have just thought of this idea after using my favourite Windows OS file manager (XYplorer)

    It would be great if SE 2.0 had the option in the settings to specify a pre-assigned file/folder name for when creating a new file/folder through the FAB icon.

    It could be pre-assigned name and also it could be an option to use the last used created name.

    Also an option for a naming pattern upon when creating sequential new files/folders

    Good idea huh!

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  5. Develop floating panel window

    I have new idea for solid explorer.. That floating. Window panel like I attached images of some app... It was Easy to get access files at same time when we use other applications

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  6. Action buttons order

    Could you please add ability to change sequence of action bar items. I would like to have action 'Open as' instead of 'Cut' visible on action bar.

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  7. More clarity in language

    The language used in the app could be cleaned up to enhance usability. For example, when moving items between panes, it would be more clear and quick to understand if the options were simply Move and Copy. Also, the options item in the overflow menu should read be collapsed into your main settings, because it was really confusing when there were both settings and options in two different areas

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  8. automatic night mode

    An automatico night mode (with the dark Theme) will be really beautiful! You select the time from/to and the app will change automatically from light to dark theme! This will be very useful for the night vision.

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  9. Menu picture

    On left menu there will be cool to set picture like in Google+ app.
    Maybe if possible add some in-app account to sync settings?

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  10. Add the 'Settings' menu item to the main top-right overflow menu

    Currently the app 'Settings' for SE is accessible from the left-swipe side pullout pane that displays the Bookmarks.

    It is good that it is located here but I would also much love to see and use it from being located in the main top-right overflow

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  11. Future plugin idea - Advanced Metadata for file 'Properties'

    A MetaData view for media files (Image,video,audio) that would display detailed and advanced information.

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  12. Non auto-arranged icons like in classic Windows OS

    The ability for a View mode that would allow file/folder icons to be arranged by Drag and drop and spaced out on the display.

    This would be especially benefiting for Android tablet users who would be seeking to maximize their tablet workflow for a Laptop like experience.

    This has already been requested here:

    Another related topic (Triple tap to enable mass Drag selection of files):

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  13. Remember scroll position of Bookmarks view

    Add the ability for the last scroll position to be remembered and restored for when using the Bookmarks pane.

    Especially useful for users who have lots of Bookmarks and are multi-tasking with other productivity apps (it avoids scrolling a long list of Bookmarks each time)

    Original topic here:

    Another related topic (Remember scroll of each folder):

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  14. Setting to Disable thumbnails for all Image and Video files

    Especially for cache purposes, it would be nice if there was an option in the Settings in future to be able to disable auto-generated thumbnails altogether in Solid Explorer 2.0

    Related topic:

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  15. App logos of file associated apps displayed as overlays

    Each file and folder in SE 2.0 is represented as a flat circle icon with a little icon picture centered within the circle.

    This generic approach is good and granted, yes certainly, it is design-conscious of the existing Material Design approach.

    But just as a future enhancement in the future, it would be nice if there was a setting to enable SE to display app logos (within the circles) for each file extension of associated opening apps that SE would handle

    Original topic request here:

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  16. Recent history of Folders and opened files

    I think for SE 2.0 a Recent History list of the last 50 or so accessed files and folders could be made available.

    It would be most suited to be integrated into the 'Operations' window in SE 2.0

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  17. Drag and drop cancellation method

    Drag and Drop improvement -

    I think it would be a great idea if the accent-colored Floating Action button in SE 2.0 changed into a Red colour with an X just as a means of cancelling a file(s) Drag and drop.

    A user would simply Drag the files/folders onto Red circle and then the Drag and Drop would be cancelled.

    Currently in SE 2.0 alpha (and in classic SE 1.6x too) there is no ability to cancel a drag and drop.

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  18. Reinstate the enhancements for the 'Filter'

    I explain each of these enhancements below

    Previously entered Searches (Filter tool) -

    A simple method of SE 2.0 remembering the last Filter search query and displaying it next time you use Filter or displaying it as grayed-out text that is ready to be re-used

    Lock filtered results -

    Locking the filtered results would be slightly different than 'remembering previous Filter entry'. Locking filter means to me that the actual Filtered list view is locked or remains as a display even after entering and exiting folder directories that are part of filtered results.

    Text Highlight the words of…

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  19. Double-fast clicking on "New file" opens two modals to create files

    Same thing with "New directory" button

    I also can click on "New directory" and immediately "New file" then both modal windows are opened(screens)

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  20. Incoherent FAB behavior during scrolling

    In my opinion FAB (Floating Action Button) behavior is incoherent during scrolling.
    After scrolling up, nothing happen.
    After scrolling down, FAB button is hidden and it don't show on the end of this action.

    So my proposal is:
    Auto hide FAB on start scrolling up or down.
    Auto show it on the end of scrolling up or down.

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