Backup, Restore and Wipe data
Please rebirth the Backup and Restore feature into the new SE 2.0 :)
Alongside this, within the settings, please also introduce the planned 'Wipe app data' too which would reset SE 2.0 back to a fully default state:
SE 1.6x already has a Backup and Restore function that saves all app data to a specific file (with a filename timestamp).
However I still observe that the 'Restore' process within SE 1.6x is a bit flawed as it should allow for restoring backpus via simple normal file browsing instead of opening a separate 'Restore' file manager window that was and still is confusing.
I think that SE 2.0 should:
1.) smartly allow for Restoring backups through the normal file explorer process of browsing for a file. This means that clicking on "Restore" in the settings will present the user with a message telling them to go back into SE and browse for the file
2.) SE 2.0 should write all backups to a pre-defined app folder under the Internal storage (just like other aps that backup do too)....So as in Internal storage/Solid Explorer backup
3.) Wiping app data should fully wipe all saved app data, bookmarks etc and offer the user an 'are you sure' prompt to support this.
Please see the attached image screenshot from the now defunct WikiExplorer app's settings page

CDuke commented
Since SE 2.0 features the Backup function, which was previously unbeknownst to me (it's in the top-right corner of Settings screen here- )
I now have Three important suggestions to make:
1.) Predefined backup folder for Backups made by SE: Perhaps consider writing the backup file to specific folder named "SolidExplorer backup" which would be a written to the main Internal Storage
2.) Wipe/Reset of SE app settings: Please add support for "Wipe" also-known-as "Reset" feature which can reset the app back to default (I know Android natively supports this for all individual installed apps but it saves the user the time and technical confusion of having to go through multiple Android settings menus just to achieve this).
3.) Restart app after Restoring backup: SE needs to either needs to do a full auto-restart of app or display a prompt to the user telling the user to manually close the app then start it again.
CDuke commented
So as you know SE 1.6 versions already featured a Backup/Restore feature.
And I think that the Backup/Restore/Wipe found in MX Player is the best example for future SE 2.0 to use....
Notice how MX Player 'Backup' can let a user backup specific individual settings.....Would be good for SE users who may want to choose between backup of whole app settings or just bookmarks alone.
Screenshot of MX Player's Backup/Restore in action:-
(MX Player can backup individual specific settings that sare saved to same backup file)