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  1. Can't open html files with firefox

    When choosing to open an HTML file, I'm presented with a vast list of installed apps, including Chrome, HTML Viewer, various text editors and pdf viewers, but not Firefox which is set as my devices default browser.

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  2. Open with does not list Pebble app

    I used to be able to choose Open with/Other apps/Pebble for PBW files. However, after installing LineageOS on my phone, Pebble is not listed in the "Other apps" list in SE.

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  3. Amazon plugin

    The Amazon plugin does not work. Please help

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  4. Cache folder taking excessive space

    The folder created by Solid Explorer on /Android/Data/pl.solidexplorer2 is taking excessive memory (about 700 MB) for cache purpose.
    Either the app should minimize this cache or delete it on exit, because 700 MB is useless for me now.

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  5. Support TLS session resumption

    On my FTP server, using explicit FTP over TLS, if the option "Require TLS session resumption on data conection when using PROT P" is enabled, Solid Explorer fails with "There was a problem with SSL communication". If that option is disabled, everything works.

    Using FileZilla Server 0.9.59.

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  6. Use of Office 365 Storage

    Hi, I am unable to sign into my Office 365 account Storage. I get the prompt to sign into Microsoft account but 8 have a 365 account. Is the a way to change this to support both types of OneDrive account.

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  7. Low download speed (sftp & smb) on fast network and fast device

    I use SE (paid) for long time and was always happy with its features. However there is one problem I can't live with: download speed. I use SE on two devices (smartphone and tablet). Both are relatively fast, LTE enabled. When I use SE to access my server the download speed varies between 40 and 60 kbps on both devices. At the same time and place the same device can download at 20 Mbps using other apps. I've tested both sftp and smb protocols, LTE and WiFi, internal storage and sd card, with same results. I can also observe in…

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  8. SSH key not working

    I am trying to setup an SFTP connection using a private key. The key looks something like this (SSH2-RSA 2048-bit):

    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

    No matter what I try, I always receive an “invalid key” error. I’ve tried pasting it as well as using a .key file.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  9. Can't swipe photos

    Can't swipe photos. The typical photo viewer functionality does not work. I used to get a menu with the choice to select: Open the file using... Gallery, Other apps.
    Any ideas?

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  10. Share with family library

    I've paid for the app after downloading the free trial and want to share it with my android family library.

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  11. Network Thumbnails

    No matter what i do i cant get solid to show thumbnails for my network files?

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  12. Thumbnails for videos aren't generated for a secure folder

    Images inside a secure folder could have their thumbnails generated. This is however not the case for video files.

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  13. Sending files whose names contain ":" or "?" to Windows could lead to corrupted file

    What I did:
    made file and named it something with ":" character, say, "foobar: coolvideo.mp4".
    sent it to Windows machine (Samba) via wi-fi.
    then the file name would become "foobar" and its size will be zero.

    You would better to throw exception on illegal file names.

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  14. password folder

    Important: no option for recorvery password on protected folder.
    Fingerprint not working, it continues with password petition...

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  15. Cant delete files from attached devices


    got this Problem over months:
    When i attached a usb otg stick or any other device to my devices i can copy files, read files, create folder etc BUT i cant delete them. With other file Managers its no problem to delete.
    Yes i gave permission to the attached device.
    I bought the otg add on too but nothing helps.

    I tried to Format different Formats (exfat, nfs, fat32) still not working

    I send a lot of error Reports to Solid but nothing changes. Ill try this way.

    Android 6.01
    Moto xt1562

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  16. Purchase detection error loop

    I've bought it on Google Play, but now I can't use it.
    Every time I open the app, it says the trial is over, and I should buy the full version. But if I try to buy it again, Google Play will say that I've bought it so I can't buy it again.
    So it kind of stuck on the strange loop: won't let me use because I'm detected not bought yet by the app, and won't let me buy because I've actually already bought it.

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  17. Unable to copy from Downloads to root because view switches

    I want to copy a file from my /storage/emulated/0/Download folder to /system/etc but can't because even when I go to my root folder and then go to the Download folder SE switches to the "Internal storage" view. I selected and copy my file to the clipboard but can't go back to the root folder. I can't use the hamburger menu und using the back button wants to quit the program.

    I was told this would be a good replacement for ES but the design is clearly flawed.

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  18. Very slow SMB connection

    Connection to Lan/SMB share are very slow, near 20 seconds. ES and TC do it much more quickly

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  19. Can't upload file to FTP server.

    I can't upload any file to my FTP via solid explorer. But also I can do it via other Android FTP client app . It's my wrong operation or a bug?

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  20. Batch Renaming - Possible to start the digits (#) not at zero?

    I often rename a group of pictures and I want to start the numbering at 1. Is there a way to do it without regex?

    always starts at 0

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