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Solid Explorer 2.0

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  1. Raw images

    Please add support for raw files (CR2, NEF, ARW, DNG, etc.). Most of them contain JPG thumbnails in the EXIF data, so you can use that.

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  2. Make music player work in background

    When I play some file with the integrated sound player it would be great if it continue playing when I exit SE, something like in ES File Explorer or Mixplorer. See the attached screenshot: if I click outside the music player the player exits and the music stops, in other explorers it continues to play in background and player goes to the notification bar, please make the same in SE, it's very useful.

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    Hi, the is great storage but there is no way to edit files via android. It would be a game changing feature.

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  4. Alternative payment options to Google Play

    I don't like to share my Account Details with Google. It would be nice if you could offer a direct payment (Threema also offers this) or payment with the Amazon Store.

    I know that there is also a "question" thread but I like to open it as Feature Request to see how many also need this feature. As far as Solid Explorer can only be bought on GP I will not be your paying customer ;)

    Reasons for an alternative payment option:

    Google haters will love it
    Kindle devices dont use Google Play
    Amazon gift cards can be used for…

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  5. Storage Analysis

    The ability to see how the space is used on your device would be great. Think "Unclouded" or "Disk Usage" but built in would be fantastic

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  6. LED/Sound/Vibrate notification after queue completion

    I still would like to have a method on the file action to enable an Android notification to popup (with LED, sound and/or vibration configurable) when the operation completes.

    Original feature request here:

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  7. Truecrypt/VeraCrypt container support

    I would totally pay for a TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt storage provider add-on to access my encrypted volumes.

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  8. Setting to Disable thumbnails for all Image and Video files

    Especially for cache purposes, it would be nice if there was an option in the Settings in future to be able to disable auto-generated thumbnails altogether in Solid Explorer 2.0

    Related topic:

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  9. In-app Purchase Instead of 2 Apps

    Would it be possible to have the new version unlockable via an in-app purchase so 2 apps don't have to be installed like with SE1. Its minor but having one less app(the unlocker) installed would be cleaner and less cluttered. I wouldn't mind having SE2 be a entirely new separate app with an in-app unlock for the full version because I think its worth buying again.

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  10. Use of FAB as an option button.

    It would be nice if you can add the functionality which you can see in the screenshot, while selecting any item, FAB converts into option button by which we can copy, cut , share, rename or delete that item.

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  11. Add file/folder shortcut from widgets menu.

    Right now, I can see the option to create a shortcut to a file or folder on the home screen, from within Solid Explorer by long pressing, But the traditional "widget type Shortcut" is no longer available from the widget picker.
    This creates a problem when for example, trying to assign a custom gesture to a folder using a third party launcher, which would no longer show Solid Explorer as an option in "Shortcuts".

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  12. Show file size in the "delete file" dialog


    I recently switched to Solid Explorer and like it quite much.

    But there is one thing I miss from the explorer app I used before.

    When I select a file or folder and press the delete button (trashcan symbol) it shows the dialog pop up where I can agree or decline to delete the file / folder.

    It would be awesome if that dialog pop up would also show the size of the selected object!
    When I want to clear up the internal SD on my Nexus 5 this would help with identifying larger, and maybe unwanted, files.


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  13. Recent history of Folders and opened files

    I think for SE 2.0 a Recent History list of the last 50 or so accessed files and folders could be made available.

    It would be most suited to be integrated into the 'Operations' window in SE 2.0

    Original topic:

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  14. When dragging a file, hold over the nav bar to go up a level.

    I commonly need to take a file up one level (i.e out of a folder to the containing one.) Coping and pasting it is okay, but just being able to drag it to the top of the screen and go to the containing folder would be super quick.

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  15. Clear cache on exiting app

    It used to be there in the old app if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, couldn't find that option with the new one, which only offers a manual "clear cache" button, that too is not very conveniently placed (it's in the overflow menu of the options/settings page). I think cache management should be more transparent than that.

    Btw love the new app, great going, would have definitely bought it again (probably should buy some add ons even if I won't use them).

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  16. Cryptomator

    Hi, it would be awesome to have a Cryptomator plugin to create, or open existing vaults.

    Best wishes

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  17. Add a feature to create symlink

    I see possibility to create symlinks (soft links) handy on phones.

    Here is examples.

    • I want to use Syncthing, Parrot recorder, camer apps and other great apps. That apps store a lot of data, but nevertheless great apps, save that lot of appdata to Internal memory.

    • Syncthing guys said Go lang dosn't support SD write to SD cards in Android yet.

    • Many camera apps save photos/videos to their folder, that can't be changed.

    • Some phones, like my Lenovo K3 Note also have some weird play around SD card. So some apps think internal memory is my SD card.

    • I sniff…

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  18. Root FTP server feature

    I love SE2's design and features, but one feature would be awesome

    Could you extend the FTP server part (yet to come in v2.0) to root just like Root FTP server does?

    Thanks for your hard work
    I'm willing to buy the full version once it's complete and finished

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  19. Icons in standard folders

    Why not make the mini-icons (both in the EU file manager) for standard folders such as: Android, Alarms, Books, DCIM, Download, Movies, Music, Notifications, Pictures, Ringtones
    and others. Instead of white folders.
    Or the possibility to assign icons to a folder on their own! It would be great!

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  20. Backblaze B2

    Is there any plans to add Backblaze personal cloud and Backblaze B2 cloud storage?

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