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An error occurred while saving the comment Melanyjoy commented
Make use of EML to PST Exporter to move all EML files in the Outlook interface. The tool is designed to move multiple EML files to Outlook in single-time processing. The software support to extract EML files from multiple email application and transfer them to Outlook. It maintains all mail properties such as header, hyperlinks, email address, email content, time stamps, etc. while moving EML files to Outlook. It creates a UNICODE PST file for each EML file and also preserves the original folder hierarchy. The tool can be used by both technical and non-technical users without any difficulty. Download EML to PST Exporter demo edition to understand the software properly.
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Betavare MBOX chuig uirlis Onnmhaireora PST ar féidir léi do dhoiciméid MBOX a easpórtáil go dícheallach i dearcadh PST gan fadhbanna. Is furasta na bogearraí MBOX go PST a shuiteáil agus a chumrú i ngach ceann de do chuid comhad. Tá meáchan éadrom san uirlis, mar sin tógann sé níos lú ama í a shuiteáil. Bogearraí atá furasta le húsáid é, mar sin tá sé éasca a fhoghlaim. Éiríonn tú eolach ar an uirlis seo, tar éis duit í a oibriú 1-2 uair. Le cabhair ón uirlis Onnmhaireoir MBOX go PST, is féidir leat do chuid sonraí go léir a shábháil san fhillteán, san fho-fhillteán atá ann cheana nó is féidir leat ceann nua a chruthú. Déanann an uirlis Onnmhaireoir MBOX go PST do chuid sonraí go léir a chumrú agus a scagadh sula ndéantar iad a shábháil, cosnaíonn an rogha seo do chuid sonraí ó chomhaid dhúblacha a dhéanamh.
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