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  1. Copy Cloud access: Solid Explorer attempted to perform an invalid operation

    Successfully created a connection to Copy cloud account. When trying to access that account to browse the content. Got an error:

    "Solid Explorer attempted to perform an invalid operation"

    SE 2.0.0 (downloaded on 2015-07-01). Android 4.44, Moto G 2014

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  2. Incorrect size of large NAS?

    The size of my Synology NAS, that is 5,36 TB, is displayed as 1,36 TB ...

    I assume this is caused by a flaw in SE ...?


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  3. Round thumbnails of Pictures

    Is there a way to get round thumbnails for pictures inside folders so they match the other icons?

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  4. File selection like google photos app

    Add support for hold and drag selection like in Google photos

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  5. Icon pack

    I just bought paper icon pack. When I go to settings/icon pack, the app constantly crashes. I uninstalled icon pack, now everything works fine.
    Please help!

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  6. automatic scheduled copy paste from one location to other

    automatic scheduled copy paste from one location to other

    This is basically for moving whatsapp images and videos from internal to sd card automatically at the end of the day :)

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  7. Pick remote files

    Would be really great if SE could download a selected remote file in picker mode and then pick it like ES does

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  8. APK in /system/app are seen like directories...

    APK in /system/app are seen like directories...

    Solid Explorer 2 beta Build 150619.M.2

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  9. Problem about Files Information Display

    It can not show pics additional information correctly, the resolution is wrong.

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  10. 14 votes

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  11. Can you enable the function to create "New Folder" while you upload a New file or picture to the Cloud..

    If I need to upload picture or file from gallery...we need a function to create a folder and upload the file or picture on the go

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  12. folder fusion

    When I copy a new folder (with new files 4, 5, 6) into other folder with the same name and diferent files (1, 2, 3), I can not choose fusion folder and have old and new files into the folder (1,2,3,4,5,6), I have to chosse between the new or the old folder

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  13. flickr

    How can i help you to add flickr api support as cloud storage option?

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  14. Solid Explorer Tabs in Android Recents

    Have Solid Explorer display its tabs in Android's Recents, similar to Chrome tabs merged with other apps in the recents menu.

    I don't know if this is possible though...

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  15. Move "Options" contents to settings

    I don't understand why there are seperate "options" (in the overflow menu) and "settings" (extra activity accessible from the navigation drawer). I know that from the overflow menu, it is faster to access but I think that most items won't be changed that often because they are a thing of personal preference.

    • Show hidden files
    • Folders first
    • Remember last folder
    • Show folders size
    • Show sections

    Instead, I'd move all the items to the settings activity and remove the overflow item completely.

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  16. Use of FAB as an option button.

    It would be nice if you can add the functionality which you can see in the screenshot, while selecting any item, FAB converts into option button by which we can copy, cut , share, rename or delete that item.

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  17. Hide action bar instead of path bar

    I think that the action bar (or is it called toolbar now?) should be hidden instead of the path bar when the user scrolls down. Similar to My Apps screen in Google Play. Or at least add an option to make the path bar persistent.

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  18. Disable Press Once to Exit

    Option to close Solid Explorer after pressing the back button once.

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  19. compare

    Implement a comparison feature. This would simply scan both panes, and compare by existance, date and size or content/md5.
    After an item was found missing, a gost would appear in ITS place, when a conflict, the item would get some extra icons. Context menu on items would allow for actions. Additionally it would be great IF in Comparison mode, opening a subfolder would follow in both panes

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  20. Remove "Close file system" confirmation dialog

    Is the "Are you sure you want to close this file system?" dialog really necessary?

    When I click the overflow button and choose Close, why I would need to confirm the action? I think it slows down without any real advantage: maybe with the online services, but anyway you can always reopen the folder from the bookmarks I think.

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