Full toolbar editor - customize toolbar icons
Customize toolbar - A toolbar editor in Settings
Hi all, I have taken the time (much time) to craft these mock-ups for what I think the Toolbar editor in Settings should look like. This would be for SE 2.0 beta for us to test if the developer kindly agrees. I think it looks cool! And it incorporates the users UI color scheme given to us in SE 2.0
Because other users in separate posts have requested a means of adding or customizing the Toolbar actions shown. Some other users have requested that the FAB icon be expanded (bad idea)
add your votes to the related topic here: http://neatbytes.uservoice.com/forums/274528-solid-explorer-2-0/suggestions/6999849-toolbar-flexible-both-bottom-or-top
Please see the attached screenshots

Rio Zuni commented
This is a well conceived idea with excellent documentation. The end result would ease user frustration and lessen errors. UI UX is what developers strive for and this idea adds value to that.
Xopher “KrazeeCriss” Dicken commented
+1 I second this especial for the file tree address bar as well, because it blends in so much with the top pane header that I kinda instinctively overlook it and forget about navigating the explorer that way, it would be nice if we could colorize ROOT > ETC to a different color than just plain faded out white.
virtualdj commented
Cool! But we need a "Copy to other panel" and "Move to other panel" button too to be available in the list ;-)
CDuke commented
The minimum of 1 and max of 7 had been thought up because to protect the Three-dots overflow menu from being over filled.
The mechanism would then work in a cycle order. So for example: if 'share' and 'Properties' were both added to the toolbar then that would mean these two would no longer appear on the three-dots menu unless they were removed from the toolbar during customization of toolbar. This keeps things logical.
Summary: So maximum 7 icons but minimum of 1 icon for the toolbar. -
CDuke commented
Further to this,
Perhapd there might need to be a Light theme of icons (white) and a dark theme of icons (dark grey or black)
This is because of the existing Themes support in SE 2.0 beta and users would wany to avoid using the wrong set of icons and end up not seeing them on display haha :)
CDuke commented
UPDATE: Combined two recent related ideas for the Settings combined into one, have a look at this new mock-up: http://i.imgur.com/NgnBIOQ.png
maybe so that one will not work without the other enabled first within the Settings.
This original idea, if agreed, voted for and implemented, should better aid the developer Krzysztof, in making SE stand out more from other Material Design file managers :)
CDuke commented
Also i think that this settings interface could incorporate the Material Design "cards" look
Additionally some nice Drag and drop animation ehile dragging. Just ideas that coke to me.
CDuke commented
It would be amazing.
Think of Android notification panels and Android camera apps that allow customising of what icons get shown/display order