Built-in Media Player and Viewer
When opening Images, music, or videos, have solid explorer preview them and give users option to open with a different app.

Available in build 150215.E.1
Michael Vogel commented
Would be fine, if the internal media player would get an option to continue playing while doing file operations.
This would allow to search for a new song without interrupting the actual one... -
Christian Frank commented
Christian Frank commented
Its under development. https://plus.google.com/108516544371250839834/posts/Ge5D4DDCKkb
Martim Lobao commented
This should include at least an image and gif viewer, and tapping on an image in Solid Explorer should open inside the app. Additionally, it would be nice if the viewer could be used from other apps from an "Open in..." dialog.
Other file types to consider including: sound, text, images and (maybe?) video.