Medicare vs Medicaid - All you need to know
Annually, Medicare plan options and pricing are subject to change without notice.
Medicare and Medicaid are two federal programs in the United States that aim to offer access to healthcare. Medicare covers anyone over the age of 65, as well as those who have certain chronic diseases or impairments. Medicaid is often provided to low-income individuals and assists in providing healthcare at no cost.
Medicaid and Medicare are sometimes mistakenly used interchangeably. These two programs may appear to be quite similar, yet they are not.
Each is governed by its system of laws and policies, and the programs are typically tailored to distinct groups of individuals. It is possible, though, to be eligible for both programs.
It is essential to understand the distinctions between Medicare and Medicaid to choose the best program for your requirements.
Medicare and Medicaid eligibility
To participate in each program, you must meet specific requirements.
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