Make music player work in background
When I play some file with the integrated sound player it would be great if it continue playing when I exit SE, something like in ES File Explorer or Mixplorer. See the attached screenshot: if I click outside the music player the player exits and the music stops, in other explorers it continues to play in background and player goes to the notification bar, please make the same in SE, it's very useful.

Jimmy James commented
I appreciate the kind of topics you post here. Thanks for sharing with us great helpful information.
Long Kari commented
Puedes intentar descargar la aplicación Shark Space en . También lo intenté de esta manera y funcionó. También me lo presentó un amigo. Creo que deberías probarlo.
Ronfranklin commented
This is a neat idea. If you are a music lover, surely you have heard of the Spotify app ( This is the best music application ever. Install now
Albert Cutrona commented
Yes, it's a nice feature that others file managers already have. Thanks.
Wahyu Budiono commented
please, make this happen. It's very useful when you store your music on USB Stick, because there's no music player support OTG.
Jay commented
This is a neat idea, the work around I use is to share to podcast addict.