"Open with" dialog shows spinner instead of last-used media player app
Sometimes when tapping on files to open them, the "Open with" dialog shows a spinning progress indicator for a several seconds before displaying apps that could open the file.
With media files (audio, video), the dialog can take over half a minute before it presents the available media players.
Solid seems to be slow like this after switching to a different folder.
Yet at other times (like after exiting, closing Solid by swiping away its thumbnail in Recent Apps and opening Solid again), the Open With dialog displays available apps almost immediately.
This behavior feels as if there is a thread running in the background and slowing down or blocking other threads in the app; especially since the problem goes away after closing the app and restarting it.
Device: HTC M8
OS: Sense 6.0 (stock) on Android 5.0.1
Solid version: 2.1.5
Build: 151030.S.4