Solid Explorer 2.0
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544 results found
When sd card or Internal memory is full, solid explorer can't cut&paste or transfer folder to another folder in the same memory.
Other explorer app like samsung default explorer, the folder is moved well.
Please check this bug.
1 vote -
Witam Czemu kiedy próbuję połączyć PC przez LAN/SMB Solid Explorer go nie widzi? Pomocy! Pozdrawiam
Witam Czemu kiedy próbuję połączyć PC przez LAN/SMB Solid Explorer go nie widzi? Pomocy! Pozdrawiam
1 vote -
problem in SMB (access denied)
Cant copy files local to smb, stopped in 1~4%
but I can to ftp. And other explorers (rootexplorer, ESexplorer) can do it too(both SMB and FTP).
Please help13 votes -
Thumbnails for videos aren't generated for a secure folder
Images inside a secure folder could have their thumbnails generated. This is however not the case for video files.
51 votes -
Cannot save PDFs to SMB share
I've setup a connection to an SMB share. All working.
Can copy files between android device and SMB share mostly.
My issue occurrs when I try to copy a PDF from device to SMB share. I've attached the error I get.
It says "access is denied" however, I can copy other files (like JPGs) and I can create new files and folders on the SMB share including to the same folder I have issues with copying PDFs to.
Can anyone assist?
6 votes -
otg storage appears twice on slide in menu
Second "sd card" and "usb drive 1" are the same thing
4 votes -
Share with family library
I've paid for the app after downloading the free trial and want to share it with my android family library.
85 votes -
Can't open tar.bz2 archives
Fix this problem on version 2.1.8 and 2.2 beta
1 vote -
Make SMB/CIFS compatible with DDNS and encryption
On recent Nas, the DDNS address is much used and useful, then the encryption too (provided with Samba 3), especially if LAN services are exposed to external access, like happens for my Synology DS116.
Actually I'm forced to disable encryption for Solid Explorer and I'm using a numerical address that (obviously) would change after some hours.
It's less secure and unconfortable.15 votes -
Bottom context toolbar auto-hide and empty folders
When the bottom context toolbar is auto-hidden while copying/moving files to an empty folder, it stays hidden forcing me to navigate to the previous folder and scroll up to make the toolbar show and go back to the empty folder to be able to access the copy/cut buttons.
8 votes -
App no longer recognises unlocker, reverted to trial mode.
At the beginning of the week the app reverted back to the trial mode despite having the unlocker installed.
11 votes -
OTG memory not shown in left menu. Can't delete OTG files
When attache OTG USB stick, it is not shown in left menu in Locations (as Phone memory or SD Card). Other problem is that (when accessing from System MNT folder) I can not write nor delete anything on this OTG drive. Other File managers can do it without a problem!!!
10 votes -
Can't connect to smb NAS over wifi
I have set up smb connection to my nas ok
If I restart phone, open Solid and select the drive it connects ok and I can access files. If I then close and reopen Solid I can not connect to the drive. Reboot and I can connect again. Close Solid, reopen and the connection fails again. This problem does not occur in ES or Total1 vote -
Files beginning with numbers not sorted properly
I have some files with random names but all beginning with a number. I noticed that these particular files would not be in the correct alphabetical order (1). If I go to the View mode, change the sorting order, go back, and change it back to alphabetical, it will be correctly sorted (pic 2). However if I then close Solid Explorer and restart it, the number files will go back to their improper order (pic 1). I do not know if it is related to the files having an image filetype extension, but I also uploaded some empty files with…
14 votes -
how i can get out solid Explorer beta 2.2?It's very useless
It does not open any type of files
1 vote -
When making a screenshot, it won't show up until quitting and reopening SE
Make a screenshot while SE is open.
It does not show Photos>Screenshots folder. Not when reloading by dragging down and not by going back and forth in folder structure.
Only shows up after killing the app.Android 5.1
Moto X 2013 (xt1052)3 votes -
Second panel can't be setting to Photo
When i try to set Photo or video on the second panel it switch automatically to root /.
1 vote -
Can't upload file to FTP server.
I can't upload any file to my FTP via solid explorer. But also I can do it via other Android FTP client app . It's my wrong operation or a bug?
20 votes -
Ceased to add cloud storage, it falls!
With the latest version, no longer add clouds, falls out with an error. Logs are sent to a zero response. So far only 2. Fix!
2 votes -
Cant delete files from attached devices
got this Problem over months:
When i attached a usb otg stick or any other device to my devices i can copy files, read files, create folder etc BUT i cant delete them. With other file Managers its no problem to delete.
Yes i gave permission to the attached device.
I bought the otg add on too but nothing helps.I tried to Format different Formats (exfat, nfs, fat32) still not working
I send a lot of error Reports to Solid but nothing changes. Ill try this way.
Android 6.01
Moto xt156239 votes
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