Solid Explorer 2.0
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2573 results found
EDGE support (Samsung galaxy devices)
There already exists the successful Samsung phones of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Edge. Both Android phones.
These feature an edge display which can show events, notifications as tickers on the side of the screen.
Samsung has already released an SDK for third-party developers to use.
It would be cool if Solid Explorer supported displaying such useful info on the edge display such as:
=FTP events
=Cloud events and notifications
=File/folder copying/moving progress bars
=Last accessed directoryInfo links: topic: vote -
folder fusion
When I copy a new folder (with new files 4, 5, 6) into other folder with the same name and diferent files (1, 2, 3), I can not choose fusion folder and have old and new files into the folder (1,2,3,4,5,6), I have to chosse between the new or the old folder
16 votes -
Copy then auto-delete to SD card (an alternative to MOVE)
Hi, this is just an alternative to 'Move' since there are issues in Moving files from Internal to SD card on Android 5.0 with classic Solid Explorer (which I believe is related to the new API i Android 5.0)
It would be simple to provide a feature and option to be able to Copy+Auto-delete which would provide the exact same as file/folder 'Move'
1 vote -
Ability to retry a failed operation
When trying, for example, to delete an opened network files sometimes the operation fails and the FAB icon becomes red.
It would be great to have the possibility to retry the operation by clicking on a button in the detail view of the operation (i.e. after clicking on the red FAB).
105 votes -
S pen support
Highlight multiple files while holding button on s pen like with a mouse. And also when you hold button and click on a file it acts like a right click and opens up a menu.
8 votes -
automatically sync with cloud service
I would like to see an option to sync local folders with the cloud on a periodic basis. kind of like foldersync.
The user should have the option for two way sync or one way.839 votes -
Disable Press Once to Exit
Option to close Solid Explorer after pressing the back button once.
10 votes -
Access Paired Device's Files With Bluetooth
Allow Solid Explorer to access paired phone's files using Bluetooth.
A simple Bluetooth control panel (ON / OFF, Be Discoverable, Search, etc.) could be accessible on the left side drawer menu in the app.
24 votes -
Colour coding folders to user's liking
Apply different colors for different folders in the phone. Also apply different backgrounds. For eg. a transparent(grey on background white or dark) filmstrip image in the background of videos folder.
3 votes -
Copy the file name / path of the file in the menu when you long press
Copy the file name / path of the file in the menu when you long press
1 vote -
Implement a comparison feature. This would simply scan both panes, and compare by existance, date and size or content/md5.
After an item was found missing, a gost would appear in ITS place, when a conflict, the item would get some extra icons. Context menu on items would allow for actions. Additionally it would be great IF in Comparison mode, opening a subfolder would follow in both panes16 votes -
Implement recycle bin
Implementing a recycle bin into Solid Explorers woulb be really great. Because then one could restore any deleted files/folders by accident.
174 votes -
Hi, the is great storage but there is no way to edit files via android. It would be a game changing feature.
78 votes -
Quit command
Please, can you add a Quit or Exit command to the menu, as found on the previous version?
Sometimes it's useful to do some operations and, with the "Remember last folder" option selected, you just want to quit the app and cannot use the Back button (because it would go up with the folders).
Of course you can exit by pushing the Home button, but a Quit option may be useful to, I think.
5 votes -
Use of FAB as an option button.
It would be nice if you can add the functionality which you can see in the screenshot, while selecting any item, FAB converts into option button by which we can copy, cut , share, rename or delete that item.
57 votes -
In-app Purchase Instead of 2 Apps
Would it be possible to have the new version unlockable via an in-app purchase so 2 apps don't have to be installed like with SE1. Its minor but having one less app(the unlocker) installed would be cleaner and less cluttered. I wouldn't mind having SE2 be a entirely new separate app with an in-app unlock for the full version because I think its worth buying again.
59 votes -
If you make it a paid app again, reset trial version
I guess you will make SE2.0 a paid app again and I hope that everyone who purchased the old version will get the full app automatically.
But everyone who tried the free version and then did not purchase the full app should be able to test the new version again.
4 votes -
Root FTP server feature
I love SE2's design and features, but one feature would be awesome
Could you extend the FTP server part (yet to come in v2.0) to root just like Root FTP server does? for your hard work
I'm willing to buy the full version once it's complete and finished47 votes -
Github integration as cloud host
Github integration as cloud host. It could be as simple as tree browsing which would be very nice.
21 votes -
Application Backup: (User & System)
Add option to backup user and system installed application...
It provide facilities like,
Application full version number... (after backup app)
Backup, uninstall application,application full properties (app detail)...205 votes
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