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  1. Add file/folder shortcut from widgets menu.

    Right now, I can see the option to create a shortcut to a file or folder on the home screen, from within Solid Explorer by long pressing, But the traditional "widget type Shortcut" is no longer available from the widget picker.
    This creates a problem when for example, trying to assign a custom gesture to a folder using a third party launcher, which would no longer show Solid Explorer as an option in "Shortcuts".

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  2. Folder search

    Right now if you search for something, it goes through your whole storage. It would be great that when im in a specific folder, it only searches the current folder for whatever im searching for?

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  3. DataBase Edition

    Allow edit databases like Root Explorer

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  4. bak

    We hope to increase the automatic backup function text editor
    and SQL Database Support

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  5. Add Support For pCloud (as done with Dropbox & Mega)

    This has been done in Mixplorer (so it's certainly possible) pCloud is a quickly upcoming cloud service which is becoming more popular. I hope to see some integration - this can be found here:

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  6. Amazon App Store

    Please release the unlocker on the Amazon Appstore. Some of us do not have the CC/DC access. Hence, it would be a great to buy the app from Amazon Appstore and support the developer.

    This will also decrease piracy which I have seen on many devices.

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  7. Amazon S3 Cloud support

    Would greatly appreciate if you can add support to Amazon S3 storage.

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  8. Make Navigation Drawer Header Customizable

    Make the Navigation Drawer Header picture customizable.

    It could be Google+ Profile banner (Amaze File Explorer has this option).

    Or it could be a custom image.

    I'm not a fan of the current picture.

    Thank you.

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  9. Batch file permission change

    Right now we have to do it manually one by one, how about batch permission change for selected files

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  10. Opening a SEB backup file should execute the restoration process


    When in normal file browsing of SE 2.0 (not Restoring a backup from settings) and I navigate a to a folder and find a .SEB file, it would be great if upon clicking on it that I be given the opportunity to restore the backup from the SEB right-away on the fly

    Along with a Yes/No confirmation.

    Currently when I attempt to open a .SEB file I am given a blank 'open with' option, see attached screenshot

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  11. Solid Explorer Tabs in Android Recents

    Have Solid Explorer display its tabs in Android's Recents, similar to Chrome tabs merged with other apps in the recents menu.

    I don't know if this is possible though...

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  12. automatic scheduled copy paste from one location to other

    automatic scheduled copy paste from one location to other

    This is basically for moving whatsapp images and videos from internal to sd card automatically at the end of the day :)

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  13. UPnP / DLNA Server Support

    Provide support for UPnP/DLNA Servers so that we can bride media files on these servers and play them on media players like mx player or power amp player.

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  14. flickr

    How can i help you to add flickr api support as cloud storage option?

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  15. Manual screen-rotate for SE image viewer

    It would be great if SE image viewer supported two-finger Manual rotating of wide images.

    This type of Rotating is only done for the screen viewing purpose only. The actual rotation is not saved to file.

    QuickPic features this exact same Manual screen-rotate feature

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  16. Smart Breadcrumb - to compliment panels shown as tabs

    Hello, I have thought up a new idea named 'Smart breadcrumb' .

    This request would actually fully enable 'Tabs as panel indicators'. So this request is a direct update to this idea topic:

    I have thought of where this option could be placed and thought that it would not be best to put it in the Settings and that itwould be quicker to access if it was in the "Folder options" menu.

    This feature option would only show available for Portrait-orientation views. Does not apply to Landscape view.

    Below are some behaviour rules I have thought up to support…

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  17. 14 votes

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Tabs as page indicator for panels

    Tabs would no doubt be so much more clearer to see and use than the existing 'spring' page indicator briefly seen at the bottom of SE 2.0 beta

    I think that the main obstacle to tabs bring used was because of the existing Breadcrumb folder path bar. I do think that the Breadcrumb should get reduced in size.

    Further to the Breadcrumb reduced in size, it should be ablr to collapse and expand within the tab and when collapsed use 3 horizontal dots '...' which can be clicked on to open it further and enlarge the tab.

    Please consider this

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  20. Full toolbar editor - customize toolbar icons

    Customize toolbar - A toolbar editor in Settings

    Hi all, I have taken the time (much time) to craft these mock-ups for what I think the Toolbar editor in Settings should look like. This would be for SE 2.0 beta for us to test if the developer kindly agrees. I think it looks cool! And it incorporates the users UI color scheme given to us in SE 2.0

    Because other users in separate posts have requested a means of adding or customizing the Toolbar actions shown. Some other users have requested that the FAB icon be expanded (bad idea)


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