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  1. Zip Encryption Information

    I am looking to use the 7zip archive encryption feature built into SE. I have a couple of questions and comments.
    First off I am using the 7zip archive encryption instead of the file encryption simply because it is more versatile. As in there are lots of apps across many OS that can encrypt and decrypt this file type.
    What I would like to know is what algorithm is used? The 7zip program offers both Zipcrypto and AES-256. Or do you use something else?
    Also the ability to encrypt the file names would be appreciated.

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  2. SMB accessed files do not appear in recent files

    When I open files on a SMB/LAN they do not appear in the "recent files" collection, once closed. I categorized this post as a problem but I do not know if this is an intended behavior or not.
    Beside this very minor issue, I think this is a great app and I love it. Congratulations!

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  3. Unable to pay for full version [Kindle Fire 5th gen Tablet]

    I am trying to install full version on my Father's tablet.

    While downloading the trial version of solidexplorer I had used a throwaway ID ( in playstore. Now I changed all google logins in android to the real ID (k******

    While trying to pay, the payment page is still displaying OLD THROAWAY google ID (

    I have completely uninstalled the app and installed again and yet payment page it is NOT showing real ID.
    Is there a way to change the id appearing on payment page to k******al@gmail from bnjhgv2@gmail?

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  4. Modified date incorrect and files locked

    The simple task of renaming a file located on my Windows 10 pc using my Windows 10 pc changes the modified date to the time of the rename as it displayed in Solid Explorer. Other file explorers show the proper original date modified (not the date the file was renamed). The date remains if I rename using solid explorer itself to do the rename.
    I also noticed that around when this started happening, if I opened a video stored on my pc through solid exolorer (launching mx player or vlc) that even if I closed the video or played another…

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  5. 10 votes

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  6. cannot acces to one drive

    garmin S8+ / Solid Explorer File Manager version 181001.1.2
    I use it without problem for Intern memory / SD/ Google drive /dropbox
    Cannot access to one drive !!
    why ?

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  7. Bring Back "Open Beside" Option

    Back in the good ol' Solid Explorer Classic users were able to long press a folder and was given an "Open Beside" option. It allowed us rotation-locked, portrait users to quickly transfer a file from one folder to any other folder with relative ease. With the new Solid Explorer we have to swap panels, navigate to the folder, swap back, then finally move the file. Please bring this option back.

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  8. Keep file timestamp when copying to SMB2

    When copying a file to a windows share, the file takes the timestamp at the time of the copy (create and modified).

    Instead, keeping the modified timestamp to the timestamp in the Android system would be better.

    Typical case is mp4 videos (that have no time metadata, except the file metada) that lose that info when copied to a SMB2 share.

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  9. Google Team drive

    I can't access my google team drive.
    How can I access it?
    If there is no way, do you plan to support it?

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  10. Show play icon on video thumbnail

    Currently I can enable "show thumbnails" and "animate thumnbnails" for video files. However I don't want to animate thumbnails to be able to distinguish between images and videos. Can you add triangle or any other icon to bottom right corner of video thumbnails?

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  11. Purchase App on Blackberry Passport not installing

    Very, very, happy Solid Explorer user - many thanks.

    I recently changed my Android phone for a Blackberry Passport (Blackberry OS 10.3 with Android app support)

    Lovely phone, much better user experience IMO but:
    While SE works flawlessly the unlock App won't run which is an issue...
    ...I know this is a bit of an edge case, but any chance of fixing this?

    Many thanks.

    Please, please keep this as a paid app - I moved from ES File explorer because the adds were driving me nuts.

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  12. Share FTP via QR Code

    Ability to share FTP address via a QR code. Just needs to display the QR Code. Scanning can be done via a 3rd party app.

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  13. Master password?

    Today I tried to link Google Drive to my Solid Explorer. I tried to google account password and it said invalid. After wasting a lot of time, I found something about a SE master password. Is that the problem? If so, I have no recollection of ever choosing a SE password. How do I fix any of this mess so I can get what I paid for ? Thanks.

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  14. Cannot access SD Card

    My SD Card does not show up on the explorer. Please help

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  15. Want refund

    I purchased your pro version ., OTG, and mega plug ins and would like a refund. There were more ad ons than I thought there would be. It was just not that useful to me. I emailed you from 09/02/18 about this.

    Order number: GPA.3305-6330-3188-97631
    Order date: Aug 22, 2018 8:57:27 AM,
    Full Version Unlock (Solid Explorer File Manager) $1.99
    Mega add on $0.99
    OTG add on. $0.99
    Thank you
    Tami Gee

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  16. Unable to extract 7zip files

    The description in the Google Play Store clearly states "Ability to read and extract ZIP, 7ZIP, RAR and TAR archives, even encrypted"

    I don't know if I'm missing something but I can't extract 7zip files, I've tried with a lot of files I already have and now I'm doing a test with 3 new files, it's just a txt file with the word "Test" stored in 3 compression levels. The only one I can extract is the level "Store" which doesn't compress at all. Both Normal and Ultra fail. Interestingly enough if the txt file is completely empty it doesn't…

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  17. More option for batch renaming with numbers

    Altough we can batch renaming the file with # option, but we can't decide where to start with...easily.
    For example, start with 2 and step 3,
    At least, I hope we can chose to start with "0" or "1", then I don't have to create a dummy file for the "0" in that sequence.

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  18. SD card write permissions

    is there a way you could implement sd card permissions like fx file explorer where you enable write permissions and revoke them if you like.
    whatever is used in those file managers looks lot cleaner.i don't much about technical stuff so if you find this unnecessary please ignore this,

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  19. Solid explorer

    Samsung S5 / Android 6.0.1

    After start of Solid Explorer comes a clear screen and APP crashes. Clearing of data and cache in APP manager brings no improvement.
    Please advise.

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  20. License validation error

    I'm getting "Soild Explorer couldn't verify your trial period.please connect to the internet.." error even after purchased premium version.

    Please advise if solid explorer can't be used without internet connection.

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