Solid Explorer 2.0
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587 results found
Incoherent FAB behavior during scrolling
In my opinion FAB (Floating Action Button) behavior is incoherent during scrolling.
After scrolling up, nothing happen.
After scrolling down, FAB button is hidden and it don't show on the end of this action.So my proposal is:
Auto hide FAB on start scrolling up or down.
Auto show it on the end of scrolling up or down.5 votes -
Buttons labels after FAB pressed should be the same width
I am perfectionist and in my opinion labels should be centered, justified and every on the same width background. Pic related.
4 votes -
Reinstate the enhancements for the 'Filter'
I explain each of these enhancements below
Previously entered Searches (Filter tool) -
A simple method of SE 2.0 remembering the last Filter search query and displaying it next time you use Filter or displaying it as grayed-out text that is ready to be re-used
Lock filtered results -
Locking the filtered results would be slightly different than 'remembering previous Filter entry'. Locking filter means to me that the actual Filtered list view is locked or remains as a display even after entering and exiting folder directories that are part of filtered results.
Text Highlight the words of…
4 votes -
cloud setup complete button
After setting up Google Drive cloud, the green button is already there until you tap it. The button is sometimes on the left and the right side.
7 votes -
Auto uppercase first letter of New Cloud connection name
Me - perfectionist strikes back again! ;) In my opinion the first letter in new connection name should be auto uppercase.
1 vote -
Software de conversão de PST para MBOX
Gostaria de recomendar aqui uma ferramenta muito eficaz e segura KDETools PST to MBOX Converter. Esta ferramenta é uma solução muito útil para os usuários exportarem o Apple Mail para o Outlook para Windows no modo em massa de uma vez sem perder nenhum dado. É fácil converter todos os componentes de e-mail PST, como e-mail para e-mail, contatos, calendário, anexos, pastas, etc. Converta PST para MBOX para Linux, Windows e Mac. Suporta os tipos de arquivo ANSI e Unicode.
0 votes -
Conversor de OLM a PST
La herramienta Conversor de OLM a PST es el software perfecto para transferir varios archivos al mismo tiempo. Este software está diseñado con un poderoso algoritmo para realizar una conversión sin problemas de archivos OLM completos y sus elementos de datos asociados. La herramienta proporciona una opción de filtro para realizar una selección de los elementos de correo electrónico utilizando diferentes criterios como Para, Desde, Fecha, Asunto, Archivos adjuntos, etc.
0 votes
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