How to convert PST to MBOX Thunderbird?
If you want to convert PST to MBOX Thunderbird so you should try eSoftTools PST to MBOX Converter Software. which is a great option. It has a lot of simple, easy, and gentle actions. During the PST to MBOX conversion, email properties are maintained. The software can convert PST to MBOX along with every mailbox item such as - emails, contacts, calendar, attachments, tasks, notes, and more. All consumers have access to the demo version, which is free to use for all users. You can convert up to 25 email items per folder in the demo version.
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ANKIT ROY commented
Hi, if you are looking to convert the PST files into MBOX on Mac, then as a regular user I would like to suggest going with a professional solution must be a wise choice. MacSonik Outlook PST Converter for Mac is such a kind of automated and most recommended tool by users. This virus-free utility can easily convert the PST file into MBOX on Mac. Apart from this, it can also convert the PST files into PDF, EML, HTML, MSG, and many more file formats. This premium utility also imports the PST files into multiple email clients on Mac OS.
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