How can I buy USDT (Tether) in India?
Fiat currencies back tether like USD, EUR, and INR. The primary purpose of Tether is to provide liquidity and a hedge against market volatility. This makes the stable coin, Tether, less risky than typical cryptocurrencies. This is probably why a lot of traders or investors prefer to buy Tether in India.
When it comes to buying USDT (Tether) in India, you usually have two options to choose from.
Domestic Exchanges
Overseas Exchanges
Usually, it is advised to trade through the domestic exchanges since they abide by the home country laws and regulations made for the cryptocurrency. Moreover, we can check on the local exchange’s security by talking to local investors about it.
There are many cryptocurrency exchange platforms in India. However, one should wisely check the previous records, grievance, clients' experience, prices, and most importantly, hacking status. You can easily find many cryptocurrency exchanges that offer you the INR market for buying and selling of USDT and other cryptocurrencies like PCEX Member.
However, not all cryptocurrency exchanges enable you to buy USDT at the same price using