How to Buy Ripple in INR, India?
If you want to buy and sell xrp and make a profit, there are many cryptocurrency exchanges but you PCEX Member has got you covered! This is a pioneer cryptocurrency exchange in India that allows you to buy Ripple in India . It results in significant savings as foreign currency exchanges are not required.
Here is a step-by-step guide.
Step#1. Browse PCEX Member: Open this responsive website on your phone or desktop. It’s a secure website. For confirmation, see the secure padlock sign on the browser address bar. Do not visit any link that impersonates it, especially something that has come to you via SMS or email.
Step#2. Join/Login: Navigate to the extreme right side, click “Join Us.” It asks for some basic details like username, email, and password. First, you choose a password and then confirm it. Put a checkmark into the box at the bottom to agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy of the website. If you already have an account with PCEX Member, login and get started.
Step#3. Buy xrp: Once you have joined. A confirmation email is sent to you. Click on the link to confirm. It takes you to the website. Login with the credentials. Navigate to the buy and sell section located on the right-hand side of the website. By default, the option selected is to buy. From the drop-down, you can select the crypto and currency pair. Enter the relevant fields, and click “Buy”. It takes you to the payment page, where you pay using your bank account.
Step#4. Start Trading: Once you have bought the cryptocurrency, you can start trading in the Spot or Futures Market.
Step#5: Withdraw your XRP : You can withdraw your xrp coins and get its equivalent value credited to your wallet or bank account after paying a transaction fee of 0.3%.