What's the best way to trade cryptocurrencies in India in 2021?
The best way to trade cryptocurrencies in India in 2021 is to trade them on an Indian crypto trading platform.
There are few platforms in India which offer crypto trading in INR. Some of them are:
PCEX Membe r
I recommend PCEX Member to trade. I have personally traded on PCEX Member and I must say that the experience was good.
They charge a flat trading fee of 0.3% in the spot market. There is no maker and taker fee and there are no charges for deposits and withdrawals. You do not need to pay huge fees and charges for deposits and withdrawals, unlike you would do on other crypto trading platforms.
You can also trade crypto futures of mainstream cryptocurrencies on PCEX Member with up to 30X Leverage.
visit : https://www.pcexmember.in/