Zimbra to pst converter Software
Zimbra to pst converter software convert all the tgz file data into pst file. stella zimbra to pst converter software convert all the zimbra file data in to office 365 account. Stella zimbra to pst converter software convert all unmounted and corrupted zimbra file data in to pst file. for more info visit this link.

samuelking commented
If you want to choose the right way to export Zimbra to PST file, try TGZ to PST Converter Utility. This tool supports all Outlook and Windows Versions Supported. This tool is useful to convert bulk files to Zimbra to PST file. It is sufficient ability to move all emails items limited within TGZ documents like emails, attachments, drafts, Sent Items, deleted items, etc. This software provides safe and secure conversion of Zimbra to PST. The tool worked all MS Outlook version like:- 97, 98, 2000, 2002, and 2003, up to 2016, 2019.
More info:- https://www.sametools.com/convert/tgz/