zimbra to pst converter
Try stella zimbra to pst converter software to convert all the zimbra file data in to pst file. stella zimbra to pst converter software convert all the corrupted zimbra file data in to pst file. stella zimbra to pst converter software convert corrupted zimbra file data in to office 365 account. Stella zimbra to pst converter software convert 32bit and 64bit zimbra file data in to pst file. for more info visit this link. https://www.stelladatarecovery.com/email-migration/zimbra-to-pst-converter.php

samuelking commented
Easily export Zimbra TGZ file to PST Outlook format, try TGZ to PST Converter Software is very suitable tool, which consents you to move Zimbra email clients to equal Outlook PST files. Use the most elective Conversion. This application is helpful to transfer numerous TGZ to Outlook PST file format at when without losing data. It also conserves the folder structure during the exporter technique. This application provides free demo version by which users can easily export 10 data items of each folder.
More info:- https://www.sametools.com/convert/tgz/
james anderson commented
Zimbra to PST Converter tool can help you understand the complete process through which you can transfer data from Zimbra to Outlook PST file format. For this process, you need to save your Zimbra data on your computer's hard drive in TGZ format files. Then the software can convert all Zimbra TGZ files to PST file format to understand the complete procedure, you can read this article based on its operation. the free version available of this software. you can download this software from here:-https://www.betavare.com/tgz/pst/