Exchange EDB to PST converter
The high rated Exchange EDB to PST converter tool is known for its simplified graphics and simple interface.
It quickly converts the EDB notes to PST format along with the original structure retention.
The SysInspire software enhances its quality by allowing the users to convert EDB files to PST outlook or even to MSG, HTML , EML and all other forms.
There is no risk for the data file configuration.
There is even no limitation for file size and even large sized files can be exchanged to PST.
More info:- Search on Google SysInspire EDB to PST converter Software

wajil77548 commented
I understand that you are searching for manual approaches to convert EDB to Outlook PST. If you search on google you will find manual approaches to convert EDB files to PST files. But the technique I am going to tell you is known as the Archive technique.
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