EDB to PST Converter
Most high rated EDB to PST Converter is developed by SysInspire. Also, it can be exported Exchange file into PST, HTML, MSG, MBOX, etc. Every email is recovered with all properties like bcc, cc, subject, format, time, contacts, and others. All editions of the MS Exchange and Outlook are supported by this Exchange EDB recovery tool. Also, the PST file can be split into many PST files with this tool. A demo is available for free.
Get More Info:- https://www.sysinspire.com/edb-to-pst-converter/

Bra yden commented
InQuit EDB Converter can convert the EDB files with different types of formats. With the help of InQuit EDB Converter you can convert EDB File to PST, EML, MSG and HTML as well as you can recover single and multiple Exchange EDB Emails into MS Outlook with all attachment and properties between 2 dates “start date” to “to date”. This tool can split large PST File to Small PST File up to 5 GB. You can try the free demo version and convert 30 emails for free as well.
Read More: https://www.inquitsoftware.com/en/pages/edb-to-pst-converter.html
devidcharles commented
Attempt stella edb to pst recovery software to recover your edb file data into pst file. Stella edb to pst recovery software recover all the exchange mailbox items in to pst file. Stella edb to pst recovery software recover all of the unmounted edb file data into pst file. Stella edb to pst recovery software recover deleted items data into pst file. Stella edb into pst recovery software recover 32bit and 64bit edb file data into pst file. For more info visit this link.
https://www.stelladatarecovery.com/exchange-edb-recovery.html -
pikow20811 commented
I would like to recommend you use the third-party app as a well-known EDB to PST Migration software that is proficient in exporting EDB to PST files.
Download link: https://www.gaintools.com/exchange/edb-to-pst/
devidcharles commented
Try stella convert edb to pst software to convert your edb file data in to pst file. stella convert edb to pst software convert all the mailbox data in to pst file. stella convert edb to pst software convert all unmounted edb file data in to pst file. stella convert edb to pst software convert all email items, contacts items, calendars items, notes items and many other folder items in to the edb file. stella convert edb to pst software convert all the edb file data in to office 365 account. For more info visit this link
https://www.stelladatarecovery.com/blog/password-email-recovery-software/edb-to-office365-converter/ -
devidcharles commented
Download exchange mailbox recovery software is rapid option to repair damage exchange mailbox data (edb file) and then convert EDB to PST outlook format as well as it also support all EDB file version like as:- 5.0, 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013,2016 and 2019. SDR EDB to office 365 Migration tool is well superb tool to fix EDB errors and save them into PST outlook format.
Visit here:-
https://medium.com/@stella199/download-best-edb-to-pst-converter-software-84c18f17f3f2 -
devidcharles commented
If you want to extract PST file from damage Microsoft exchange server with whole data of file then don’t move anywhere just try Stella best exchange mailbox recovery software which has power to remove any errors and convert EDB file data into working MS outlook PST file with contact, calendar, journal etc as well as also support all version of EDB upto 2019.
Read more:-https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-exchange-server-recovery-edbtopst-conveter/
Harper Phillips commented
Botdataconversion EDB to PST converter is a professional solution to convert EDB file to PST file format. This software saves recover EDB items into multiple file-formats- HTML, EML, VCAL, MSG, VCard, etc. The EDB to PST Converter gives the advantage to export EDB mailboxes to Office 365 and Live Exchange Server mailboxes.
For more information visit - https://www.bitdataconversion.com/edb-to-pst-converter.html