Connected to Windows Desktop; Bought App; No Longer Works
I bought the full Solid Explorer app after testing it with our network yesterday and it worked fine. Today, I can't connect it to the LAN network anymore. The error message says "A problem occurred with network communication. Please make sure you're connected to the internet and try again." Both the tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 and Windows 7 desktop computer) are connected to the internet on the same network.
Please let me know how I can fix this issue. This feature is the only reason I downloaded and paid for the app and Google won't refund the purchase even though it's in the 48-hour return window.

Jan commented
Same with me. I installed a new version but could not connect to my desktop or nas, stuck at the "almost ready" screen. Cx explorer (thank you Nick) works ok with the same credentials.
Nick commented
Here's the best work-around I could find:
Use Cx File Explorer (free)'d still prefer to use the Solid Explorer app I paid for, plus it has a nicer interface, but the Cx File Explorer app actually provides LAN access.