Kindly make it accessible to the blind person by providing content descriptions of each of the buttons or menu.
Hi! I am a purchased user of Solid Explorer. I am a blind person and I use Android devices with the help of "Google Talkback" screen reader. I have found your application pretty useful. But it is not fully accessible for the blind person like me. if you kindly devote 20 minutes of your valuable time, I promise, you will get hundred customers more. What you need to do? you have not provided the content description of all the buttons or menu. Screen reader technology relies on the "content description" of the buttons or menus to interract with it. for example, let's say there is a "send" button. you may have given a symbol or a graphical representation of the button so that, visually it indicates what it does. but you have not provided "Send" as a content description of the particular button. so, when I am interracting with the button, my screen reader says "button unlabeled", which does not make any sense. So, just imagine, a single code can change thousands of life of the visually challenged like me. if you need more help/beta tester, I am here for you. Kindly take my words in a high priority basis. kind regards, Pradip