version 2.1.17 cannot show the property of a file, it says"Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.string'" o
version 2.1.17 cannot show the property of a file, it says"Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.string'" on a null object reference

Ian Catton commented
Confirm as fixed in v. 2.1.17, build 160610.E.2 on both Note 4 and Tab S.
jay elem commented
confirm same issue, v. 2.1.17, build 160610.E.2 Reboot did not fix.
I resolved by uninstalling then reinstalling the app. If you have any in app purchases that don't show up you can restore them: menu>About>Restore purchases. -
Lokesh Raaj Krishna R.S commented
Cheers! Has been fixed! Love and respect Solid Explorer more than ever before!
DHRÜV PATEL commented
When developer will fix it .
Aiolizator commented
Very annoying bug, please fix it soon.
Thanks for this amazing piece of software. -
Lokesh Raaj Krishna R.S commented
Can confirm the issue. Same version. Need a fix as soon as possible since it hampers usage severely.