White error screen
Hello, sometimes happens that I want eg. check md5 checksum, I mark some file and click on properties, Solid explorer show me white screen with this message: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String. Android.Net.Uri.getScheme()" on a null object reference. Or something like this. Why? What's wrong?

Thomas Jasxon commented
The error message you're seeing typically indicates that the app you're using (Solid Explorer) is encountering an issue when trying to access or reference a specific object or resource, in this case, the URI or path of the file you're trying to check the MD5 checksum for. More if you are trying to find the best car services and visit many site to find the location the you do not need to worry about it. Visit at https://incarwash.com/ It is one of the most trusted site that provide accurate information where the car wash services are available. More this provide all the services are for free of cost.
John Nicole Dagamat commented
This also happens to me but no message, just simply white screen. Happens on every file or folder when I click "properties"
Aiolizator commented
It also happens on my LG Gpad 8.3 (Stock Android 5).
Aiolizator commented
Same for me on CM13 with my Oneplus X.
bud commented
I am also having this issue as of the last update
Ian Catton commented
When I select a file, click on Properties I get the following result:
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String android.net.Uri.getScheme()' on a null object reference