Access denied moving file
I get access denied trying to move a file.

Andrew Dytyniak commented
Tried to move file from an internal folder on my Galaxy A53, to My Drive but got red circle with an X, clicked it and on bottom said Access Denied. Ive done this operation many times and never had this issue. Can you advise.
Also, something that has never worked was my ability to add My Drive to Solid Explorer running on my Fire TV Stick 4K. This has never worked, something about Google Services not able to run on Fire TV Stick (Amazon issue). Is there a workaround? A way to activiate/load Google Services so that I can add My Drive, just like I was able to add OneDrive?
Hector commented
I'm experiencing the same problem. Just purchased Solid Explorer (using the in-app option) and I can't move files. The app has permission to access storage. This is running Marshmallow on a Nvidia Shield tablet.