No "back to root" option in settings
As per title there is no option to back out to root.
As SE2 does not allow direct path entry which is very restricting the option to back up to route would help a little.
Ideally allowing a long press to enter a path manually would solve all problems but it seems like this isn't a priority.
The old SE had this option and here's an exmaple of where this or direct manual path entry is essential:
I have several hidden folders on my NAS drive which I don't want available to all so my configured setting is to get to the route of the drive where those folder will not show. eg.
So if I configure a connection which gets me to //mynasdrive and I have a hidden folder //mynasdrive/docs, I cannot see that folder so obviously I can't get to it.
I could configure a connection to go to the path /docs but now I can't get to the root //mynasdrive because the path shows only /docs and hitting the back button will exit the connection.
At least this workaround allows me to hit the back button and get to the root of the nas drive in the old SE.
My only alternative then is to create separate connections to the root and all the hidden folders which obviously I don't want to do.
So ideally a really simple solution is to allow path entry manually.