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  1. Bug: Unusable items show up after choosing category from sidebar

    Open the sidebar,choose pictures. The main window shows folders that have pictures in them,but will also show duplicates of the folders which are unusable. When choosing one and viewing properties,these are the properties:
    Location: folders
    Type: application/octet-stream

    Trying to open the folder opeens wave vallende edoch i have installed and immediately makes it crash.

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  2. When dragging a file, hold over the nav bar to go up a level.

    I commonly need to take a file up one level (i.e out of a folder to the containing one.) Coping and pasting it is okay, but just being able to drag it to the top of the screen and go to the containing folder would be super quick.

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  3. 2 votes

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  4. Clickable url links support for SE Text viewer

    Please add an option to be able to Enable/Disable click-able links for URLs in the SE Text viewer.

    Jota+ Text editor has this same feature and uses a tap+hold on link to be able initiate the standard system android 'open link with...' menu

    Please add support for opening links.

    Could be of benefit especially for FTP users of Solid Explorer. Me personally I would like to just open links to an external app.

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  5. Grouped "show sections"

    The alpha already has a great "show sections" feature, but that groups files and folders separately, and each group contains files and folders with the same 1st letter.
    It would be nice if grouping under "show sections" could be done more like Windows 7. Instead of grouping under single characters, it could be grouped under a small range of characters, like "A-C", " D-F". That way, if a folder contains a lot of files having different 1st letters, a lot of otherwise wasted space would be saved.
    Also, it would be nice if files and folders were grouped together with…

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  6. Display and Edit Location

    When holding down the location, the full path in text should display and editable.

    See screenshot of a rough concept.

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  7. FAB disappears after scrolling and changing folder

    Watch the video to understand. I can reproduce it.
    Version 150129.D.1

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  8. Media Tabs

    I don't if it's my phone it's a general behaviour but when I click on a certain type of media (Photos or Music) it takes minutes and minutes to show the files. Is it possible to have a generated txt file of the current location of certain type of files and reload from it and update it afterwards if the files listed in the txt are not found and also add newer ones? Too complex?

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  9. Improvement Function of 'Apps' in Side Menu

    'Apps' Function in Side Menu is good function.


    If I want find *.apk file only, it doesn't useful.

    'Apps' Function in alpha is finding apk file in root.

    Except Storage.

    Sometimes I want find apk files in my storage quickly,

    but 'Apps' Function doesn't helpful.

    I think, if you improvment it's function, it will be more useful.

    Thanks to read this thread.

    PS. Text "앱 설치파일" in Screenshot is function sorting apk file in internal stoarge and SD Card.

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  10. where am i thingy and notification bar

    please add an option to remove the navigation bar thingy giving me information of my history and current position and if you can please try to make the status bar more materialistic

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  11. 6 votes

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  12. Hybrid Views Don't Work as Expected on Small Screens

    Not sure if intended behavior, but the hybrid views don't work on small screens, as the equivalent views did on 1.0. More accurately reproducing the behavior of 1.0 in the two column views would be useful.

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  13. full screen on landscape

    On my 4.5 inch screen solid explorer is usable well in twopaned mode in landscape orientation.
    It would be better if it automatically switches to full screen mode then, what about that idea?

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  14. moving items

    thanks for very nice app but one thing i found when moving items from internal to external after finish moving then the items not resorting directly...hope unferstand what i mean...thx again

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  15. Create backups of user applications and the system

    Who doesn't like to be able to create backups of your applications from the same file manager?

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  16. Manage and Display Workspace

    Have Solid Explorer add/remove and display the workspace to enhance productivity to file management.

    Screenshot of FX file browser using that concept.

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  17. 12 votes

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  18. A clear method of Cancelling an ongoing Paste action

    When you copy a file/folder in SE 2.0, the Paste action is shown on the FAB however there is no clear way of cancelling this Paste phase.

    There needs to be a method of cancelling a Paste or just relegating it to a background Clipboard function (another idea request entirely, lol)

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  19. Minor bugs related to rename

    1) .pdf gives the Adobe icon, .PDF does not
    2) unable to change capitals

    I know, minor bugs, but nice if they can be solved

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  20. move to instead of cut and paste

    When moving a file larger than remaining free space, old solid explorer moved fine, whereas 2.0 appears to attempt to copy before deleting at all, giving an error regarding space remaining.

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