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  1. Media Tabs

    I don't if it's my phone it's a general behaviour but when I click on a certain type of media (Photos or Music) it takes minutes and minutes to show the files. Is it possible to have a generated txt file of the current location of certain type of files and reload from it and update it afterwards if the files listed in the txt are not found and also add newer ones? Too complex?

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  2. Improvement Function of 'Apps' in Side Menu

    'Apps' Function in Side Menu is good function.


    If I want find *.apk file only, it doesn't useful.

    'Apps' Function in alpha is finding apk file in root.

    Except Storage.

    Sometimes I want find apk files in my storage quickly,

    but 'Apps' Function doesn't helpful.

    I think, if you improvment it's function, it will be more useful.

    Thanks to read this thread.

    PS. Text "앱 설치파일" in Screenshot is function sorting apk file in internal stoarge and SD Card.

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  3. where am i thingy and notification bar

    please add an option to remove the navigation bar thingy giving me information of my history and current position and if you can please try to make the status bar more materialistic

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  4. 6 votes

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  5. Hybrid Views Don't Work as Expected on Small Screens

    Not sure if intended behavior, but the hybrid views don't work on small screens, as the equivalent views did on 1.0. More accurately reproducing the behavior of 1.0 in the two column views would be useful.

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  6. full screen on landscape

    On my 4.5 inch screen solid explorer is usable well in twopaned mode in landscape orientation.
    It would be better if it automatically switches to full screen mode then, what about that idea?

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  7. Why do we have to go through so many pages to setup a connection

    I tried to connect to my local ftp server, and I had to go through many pages in order to create the connection : one for connection type, the next for server info..etc. I think all of these information should be in a single page, it will be easier and quicker to set up.

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  8. Add-ons support

    Allow third-party extensions to associate with Solid Explorer.

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  9. Fluid faster scrolling support in the file manager

    Scrolling could be made to have that same liquid fluidity that many iPhone apps feature in where a user gently scrolls and it fluidly scrolls faster than average with greatly reduced friction.

    On HTC devices with Sense 6, the HTC 'Messenger' app has this. Also the Android app exDialer also features this to an extent.

    It's something to do with tweaking the listview and friction within the code of an Android app.

    It would so very much suit Solid Explorer to have this,not just merely animation wise but more importantly for when scrolling down a really long list of content…

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  10. Unnecessary last screen-step during creating new cloud connection

    After successfully established connection with Dropbox app should connect to it automatically. In my opinion the last step is unnecessary. Maybe simple green rectangle animation like in Google Drive connection will be ok.

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  11. Action buttons order

    Could you please add ability to change sequence of action bar items. I would like to have action 'Open as' instead of 'Cut' visible on action bar.

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  12. More clarity in language

    The language used in the app could be cleaned up to enhance usability. For example, when moving items between panes, it would be more clear and quick to understand if the options were simply Move and Copy. Also, the options item in the overflow menu should read be collapsed into your main settings, because it was really confusing when there were both settings and options in two different areas

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  13. Add the 'Settings' menu item to the main top-right overflow menu

    Currently the app 'Settings' for SE is accessible from the left-swipe side pullout pane that displays the Bookmarks.

    It is good that it is located here but I would also much love to see and use it from being located in the main top-right overflow

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  14. Guidline Left menu

    Left menu, like in standart android app - "documents"

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  15. Incoherent FAB behavior during scrolling

    In my opinion FAB (Floating Action Button) behavior is incoherent during scrolling.
    After scrolling up, nothing happen.
    After scrolling down, FAB button is hidden and it don't show on the end of this action.

    So my proposal is:
    Auto hide FAB on start scrolling up or down.
    Auto show it on the end of scrolling up or down.

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  16. Buttons labels after FAB pressed should be the same width

    I am perfectionist and in my opinion labels should be centered, justified and every on the same width background. Pic related.

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  17. Reinstate the enhancements for the 'Filter'

    I explain each of these enhancements below

    Previously entered Searches (Filter tool) -

    A simple method of SE 2.0 remembering the last Filter search query and displaying it next time you use Filter or displaying it as grayed-out text that is ready to be re-used

    Lock filtered results -

    Locking the filtered results would be slightly different than 'remembering previous Filter entry'. Locking filter means to me that the actual Filtered list view is locked or remains as a display even after entering and exiting folder directories that are part of filtered results.

    Text Highlight the words of…

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  18. cloud setup complete button

    After setting up Google Drive cloud, the green button is already there until you tap it. The button is sometimes on the left and the right side.

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  19. Auto uppercase first letter of New Cloud connection name

    Me - perfectionist strikes back again! ;) In my opinion the first letter in new connection name should be auto uppercase.

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  20. Software de conversão de PST para MBOX

    Gostaria de recomendar aqui uma ferramenta muito eficaz e segura KDETools PST to MBOX Converter. Esta ferramenta é uma solução muito útil para os usuários exportarem o Apple Mail para o Outlook para Windows no modo em massa de uma vez sem perder nenhum dado. É fácil converter todos os componentes de e-mail PST, como e-mail para e-mail, contatos, calendário, anexos, pastas, etc. Converta PST para MBOX para Linux, Windows e Mac. Suporta os tipos de arquivo ANSI e Unicode.


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